
Great Britain: other than Keir Starmer. In such difficult times it would take Churchill …

Without having asked for them or announced In its electoral intentions, The Prime Minister British Keir Starmer He is forced to demand “tears and blood” by the British who are with a dented pound in terms of purchasing power and with cities where security seems to have become a metaphysical abstraction. How not to resort to comparison with Winston Churchill? On the occasion of the anniversary of the sixty years of his death – January 24, 1965 – how not to recall the obligation until the last drop of sacrifice that imposed on his people but anticipating the contents and warning that these labors would not have been few nor For a short time? To look after its physical structure – with that important belly lap, the shoulders curved as happens for the lazy and the pace almost fatigued – it would have been chosen as the ideal companion for an evening at the pub. In reality, Churchill had a steel dorsal plug that allowed him to hold the weight of exorbitant responsibilities. From the beginning. Born – November 20, 1874 – Nello Oxforshire, in a damask room of the Blenheim Palace where the family lived and which was dripped of dynastic honors. The maternal branch had US roots, he could boast a kinship relationship with the first US president George Washington and owned the New York Times newspaper.

The father’s family tree was able to understand the “strains” Florentines of the Guicciardini and Strozzi. The portraits of the ancestors who emerged from each wall showed means busts loaded with medals and collars to merit. Winston’s parent gave “you” to the Tsar Alexander III and the “hard” of Prussia Otto von Bismark. Equipped to hold the comparison with a viceroy of Ireland, the Duke of Marlborough and with the general who, dividing the command with Eugenio di Savoia, won the “war of Spanish succession”. Churchill, at the Saint George school, in Ascot, also resisted the Rector’s harassment – the reverend Sneyd Kynnersley – which, encouraging educational methods already, in itself, close to sadism, punished its mediocre academic results, whipping it daily until they leave him permanent scars on the back and legs. In order for the school performance to improve, it was necessary to wait for the years of the school higher than the Bruswick Hove (first) and (then) to the Sundhurst military academy from where cavalry officer came out. This explains the formation of a rigid character that prevented him from accepting the smallest mediation other than compromises. In Parliament, he entered the 1900s, winning in his college in the consultation that the “khaki election” was called because of the fact that the citizens went to the polls suggested by the (won) war against the Boeri.

But among the deputies, Churchill began to fight with those who did not like it: All the more so if he belonged to his party, the conservative. He shed the colonies Joseph Chamberlain from the squeeze who wanted to increase military actual. He opposed (indulging the initiative of David Lloyd George) to the plan to produce a new ship flotable. And, challenging the unpopularity among the most avid party companions, he obtained that the force was not used to repress the strike of Wales miners. He had the ability to guess the development of political dynamics before the first effects were recorded. When, in Locarno (September 1925) the greats of the Earth met to promise a universal peace, he presented themselves in the bookstore with his publication entitled we will suicide everyone. The guiding thread of his analysis was a warning. “Not even for an instant it is believed that the danger of a new war explosion in Europe has passed.” Since then, with different government responsibilities, he used to deal with a new conflict. Who, as a premier, led with the resolve of those who do not give up.

With a country that was dating the Adolf Hitler departments under the edges of the wards And with some fringe of citizens who would accept a Nazi thread government, he led the resistance, revolt and revenge of Great Britain. Until the allied forces were able to demand the surrender without condition to Germany. The merits are not always recognized when it is right. When he should have the most conspicuous election results he was defeated. But he did not give up thinking about the things of the world. He denounced the communist invaded in Central Europe with concern and warned against a dictator (Stalin) who was taking the place of another dictatorship. And, with enviable foresight, he published an essay to prophesy the birth of the “state-robot”. He hypothesized that a new form of asphyxiating bureaucracy would show up “within 50 years”. That is, today. “Democracy” wondered as a pessimist, “will he be able to keep up with this danger?”.