
Appliance bonus 2025: pay attention to the click day and the limits

New washing machines, dryers, ovens, freezers in 2025? You will have to rush to buy them using the appliance bonus. The relief for families, provided for by the Budget Law, will allow for a 30% refund, but funds are limited and so is time. There will be click day and no other chances.

Accessing the bonus entitles you to a 30% refund on the purchase price of the appliance, for a maximum of 100 euros per family. If the family’s ISEE is less than 25 thousand euros, the bonus can double and reach 200 euros. You can buy refrigeration devices (refrigerators and freezers), washing appliances (washing machines, dryers and washer-dryers), kitchen appliances (traditional ovens, microwaves and hobs), air conditioning and heating systems (air conditioners, fans and electric heaters ). But there are limits to watch out for. The discount applies to only one household appliance per household (therefore it is not possible to make multiple purchases) and only to products of energy class B or higher and manufactured in Europe. So you have to be very careful when buying. Furthermore, it is mandatory to replace an old appliance, with documented disposal.

The bonus is valid for the whole year (there is no purchase limit), but the funds allocated are 50 million euros, therefore limited. This makes it essential to be very quick when click day strikes. The day to apply for the incentive should be by the end of February, the exact date is not yet known. The budget law came into force on January 1st and within sixty days a joint decree from the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy and the Ministry of Economy and Finance will define the details. So the click day will be maximum at the beginning of March.

It is also important for families to pay attention to the difference between this bonus and furniture and large appliances. The latter has been extended throughout 2025 and allows you to have a deductionof 50% over ten years on the purchase of furniture and appliances with a maximum expense of 5 thousand euros for each real estate unit (therefore a maximum tax deduction of 2500 euros). But this bonus has two differences compared to the appliance bonus. First of all, only those who buy an appliance (or a piece of furniture) during building renovation works (both of individual residential units and of common parts of residential buildings) can request it. Furthermore, only class A or higher appliances for ovens, class E for washing machines, washer-dryers and dishwashers, and class F for refrigerators and freezers are included in the bonus. Finally, the furniture and large appliances bonus requires that the expenses are incurred after the start of the renovation works and that they are documented through invoices or tax receipts paid with traceable instruments, such as bank transfers or credit cards. The new appliance bonus, however, does not require any renovation to be requested, but has more restrictive appliance selection criteria. And time and funds are limited. Click day is the watershed.