
Maneuver, not just bonuses and cutting the tax wedge. Here are the main measures

After intense days of revisions at the Budget Commissionthe green light has finally arrived financial maneuver. It should have arrived in the chamber today, but will instead be examined tomorrow morning at 8am, followed by a vote of confidence for Friday’s vote in the Chamber. The definitive green light in the Senate should therefore arrive after Christmas, barring further delays.

The examination of the amendments to the Budget law 2025 the time has therefore come to sum up the most important changes.

There is certainly room among them cancellation of the equalization of the salaries of non-parliamentary ministers with their colleagues who sit in the chamber. Instead, reimbursement was established for travel expenses related to the performance of their duties. The ban on non-EU assignments to members of the Government, deputies, senators and regional presidents has also been strengthened, also extended to consultancy brokered by companies or individuals resident in the EU. Appointments of up to 100 thousand euros will be permitted, subject to authorization from the body to which they belong, but not for members of the Government. This norm, which took the informal name of “anti-Renzi”, due to the former prime minister’s consultancy in Saudi Arabia.

An amendment by the League was approved which allows “fully contributory” workers aged at least 64 to access early retirementhowever the threshold of contributions required will increase, starting from 1 January 2025, from 20 to 25 years.

As regards building renovations, the 50% bonus for first homes and 36% for second homes is confirmed until 2025. However, deductions for the replacement of fossil fuel boilers (including methane ones) have been removed. 50 million has also been allocated for incentives for the purchase of highly energy efficient household appliances (minimum class B), produced in Europe and accompanied by disposal of the old one. The contribution will be equal to 30% of the cost, with a ceiling of 100 euros (200 euros for families with ISEE under 25 thousand euros).

400 million euros are also arriving over a two-year period from the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, money useful for restoring the Automotive funda sector currently in great difficulty. 200 million earmarked for 2026 and 2027 respectively.

Of particular importance is the amendment relating to reduction of 4 percentage points on IRES for those companies that will retain at least 80% of 2024 profits and invest at least 30% in the company. The technical limits provide for investments of no less than 20,000 euros and the permanent hiring of at least 1% more workers than the previous year.

News today is the increase of 1.4 billion euros in the funds planned for Bridge over the Strait of Messinathe overall cost therefore exceeds 12 billion, with 3.882 billion allocated by Development and Cohesion Fundlightening the state commitment. TO Railways 1.096 billion will also go towards works linked to the Pnrr. The financing for the Turin-Lyon TAV increases by one billion, while another 708 million are allocated to the national plan for water infrastructure.

Furthermore, after 20 million had been released yesterday publishing fundsduring the night the figure was raised to 50, without forgetting the changes made to the web taxwhich will be applied only to companies that generate digital revenues of no less than 750 million, therefore excluding small and medium-sized businesses.

In light of the accumulated delays, it seems difficult for the law to be approved Senate before Christmas, the chamber would in fact be preparing to work on 27 and 28 December, tomorrow, barring last-minute twists, the arrival at Room.