
New rules for work: what changes for resignations, smartworking and contracts

Resignation due to unjustified absence, smartworking, layoffs, Naspi, seasonal work and apprenticeships. The changes envisaged by the Labor bill, linked to the budget, are now underway. It came into force and here’s what changes for workers and companies.

Resignations and unjustified absences and Naspi

It is the most important news. The bill establishes that, in the event of unjustified absence prolonged beyond the limit set by the collective agreement (or 15 days in the absence of a specific provision), the employer can consider the relationship terminated by the worker’s will, notifying it to the National Labor Inspectorate. And considering them voluntary resignations means a direct impact on access to Naspi. These workers, in fact, lose the right to unemployment benefits. The measure adds to the restrictions introduced by the Budget Law. Anyone who changes jobs after voluntary resignation must work at least thirteen weeks in the new job to be able to access the allowance in the event of dismissal. And there is also a restriction for workers returning from abroad: there is no right to Naspi if they return to Italy within six months of losing their job abroad.


The obligation for employers to officially communicate to the Ministry of Labor the names of employees working in smart working and the start and end dates of smart working is confirmed. Communications must take place within five days of the start of the period or any changes.

Hybrid contract

The hybrid contract is introduced. A worker can be hired with a mix of subordinate and self-employed work, benefiting from the flat-rate regime for the part of income deriving from self-employed activity.

Supply contracts

Fewer constraints for companies and agencies on supply contracts. The ceiling of 30% of workers employed on a permanent basis no longer applies to employment agencies and in particular cases, such as startups, seasonal activities, shows and replacements. Furthermore, the duration limits for fixed-term contracts expire if workers who have been unemployed for more than six months or belong to disadvantaged categories are used.

Seasonal work

Seasonal work becomes more flexible. The bill in fact broadens the definition of seasonal activities, including not only those traditionally recognized, but also the activities necessary to cope with production intensifications or specific needs linked to seasonal cycles.

Redundancy fund

The new legislation allows workers on furlough to carry out another job, whether employed or self-employed, without completely losing the right to salary integration. However, for the days in which they work for an employer other than the one who requested the redundancy fund, they will not receive the supplementary payment.


A single contract for multiple training courses is underway. The new rules allow the apprenticeship for professional qualification and diploma to be transformed into a professionalizing or higher education and research apprenticeship, once the qualification has been obtained.