Payment in installments over 10 years, extension of the relief to other territories that have suffered earthquakes or floods, reopening of the remission as a bonus, the possibility of obtaining the tax relief also for the third sector but by imposing a maximum expenditure ceiling and the involvement of common in checks on superbonus construction sites. These are some of the main points contained in the government's amendment which was scheduled to arrive today in the Senate Finance Committee (at 7.08pm the text has not yet been deposited). Meanwhile, the deadline for sub-amendments has been set at 6pm on Monday 13 May, while the Commission will meet again on Tuesday at 9.30am. The new crackdown on the superbonus, however, is causing discontent within the majority, so much so that the deputy prime minister and secretary of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, speaking at the Family Business Forum in Lecco, declared that he had “some doubts about the retroactivity of the latest proposal of the Minister Giorgetti. As Forza Italia we want to listen to businesses and banks to understand if there is any damage or if Parliament needs to intervene to make proposals.” Statements to which the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, promptly responded by underlining that “I have a responsibility and I defend Italy's interests as finance minister. Clear?”.
Retroactivity of superbonus credits: the denial arrives from the Mef
The obligation to spread the credits linked to the superbonus over 10, rather than four years, will not have retroactive effect. It was explained by the Undersecretary for the Economy, Federico Freni, who clarified, like Minister Giorgetti “he anticipated that the obligation to deduct the Superbonus in 10 annual installments of the same amount, instead of four, will only be reported to expenses relating to building interventions incurred in fiscal year 2024, without any retroactivity”. Therefore, for those who incurred expenses in 2023, they will always have a tax recovery in four years, while those who have expenses between 2023 and 2024 will have one portion reimbursed in four years and the other in 10. The choice to spread the credits over 10 years has purely budgetary reasons. This maneuver will in fact make it possible to lighten the burden of the bonus on public finances by 700 million in 2025 and 1.7 billion in 2026 (around 0.1% deficit-GDP).
The news of the superbonus
The government text would provide, in addition to the installment plan over 10 years, also the extension of the benefit to other territories that have suffered earthquakes or floods, with the inclusion of a roof. A move that had already been made previously, in March, when Giorgetti surprisingly brought a decree to the CDM to put a definitive stop to the transfer of credits. The only exception contemplated concerned the properties damaged by the earthquakes in Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria which occurred on 6 April 2009 and 24 August 2016, but with a total ceiling of 400 million, 70 of which dedicated to the 2009 earthquake. enlargement of the mesh to other territories affected by earthquakes or floods should therefore have the same scheme. Another point is the partial reopening of the remission in bonis. Here too, the government's previous move had brought forward from 15 October to 4 April the possibility of remission in bonis to communicate, to the Revenue Agency, the transfer or discount on the invoice relating to the building bonuses incurred in 2023 or for the residual installments linked to the deductions for 2020, 2021 and 2022. With the latest intervention, the government's idea is to reopen the doors only for practices that have had substantial but material errors (such as transmission or compilation errors), given that such communications would not affect the expenditure borne by the State. And finally the municipalities. A rule will be introduced that will directly involve the municipalities in field checks of the superbonus construction sites with a compensation for the institutions of around 50% of what is recovered.