He wants to close with wars, reduce Chinese power and free us from the “Wake”. Are we sure he’s wrong?
Therefore, the world is in danger after Donald Trump’s settlement To the White House and his speech, defined as “disturbing” by many? Let’s try to reason with the mind clear and feet on the ground, starting from reality, beyond the opposite rhetoricals. We have come from a two -year period in which we really risked world war, with two lacerating conflicts that have bloodied the ridge between the East and the West, to the north and south. With a series of cascade effects, between armaments race, energy crises, stars, role loss and weight of Europe, collapse of international relations, refreshing hatred of the Arab-Islamic world towards the West and Israel. In short, we have been close to the world conflict as it did not happen since the times of the Cuba crisis, more than 60 years ago (and even then, for the record, there was a “good” president, and dem, to the White House, John F. Kennedy and even a good communist, and Ukrainian, at the Kremlin, Nikita Krusciov). Today this double conflict is being resolved and everyone recognizes that the advent of Trump has unlocked the situation. But the official story is the opposite: we are losing peace (!) Because he arrives, the warflower. Trump is harsh and stinging, unpleasant also in the tone of the voice, twisting and split. The current opinion is that with him the seven biblical plagues will be reduced to the world. Let’s see on the merits.
1) Trump opened dangerous claims to Panama, Greenland, Canada, on the border with Mexico, A little everywhere. In reality, Trump has never threatened military interventions but has advocated free popular pronouncements, commercial acquisitions, political and diplomatic negotiations. The new president negotiates: he shoots high and big, to start a negotiation and obtain concrete results, in the passage of ships from the channel to Panama, in the control of resources – otherwise at risk “Chinese” – in Greenland, in the repositioning of Canada, after the Bankruptcy experience of Justin Trudeau, not only on the level of Woke ideology.
2) Trump follows Elon Musk by invoking Mars and artificial intelligence: But not the god of war but the planet to conquer. An affiliable conversion of military expenditure into a spatial company. Will he then invest a lot about the AI who is certainly a dangerous land: but until yesterday we complained about the delay and the absence of state power in such a crucial field, left to private individuals, and now we complain about a targeted intervention?
3) Trump will impose heavy duties not only to the neighbors, Canada and Mexico, to force them to supervise borders. But also to the rest of the world, starting from Europe. Let’s realize that globalization today benefits from China and Asia, no longer coincides with western, European and American interests. Today it is necessary to protect yourself, have shields and filters in world trade, protect our economies. It is a thorny chapter, that of the duties, but with Trump he must negotiate, find a convergence point. Long friendship light duties.
4) The stop to illegal immigrants, the bloc of borders, the revocation of the “ius soli”. It may like or not please, the individual measures can be discussed on the merits and not to love the hostile tones he uses. But by the one verse they correspond to the electoral mandate received, it was voted to carry on that program. On the other hand, it must be understood that the West is unable to accommodate imposing migratory flows, otherwise it risks falling apart by dragging the whole world into ruin. The themes of immigration and the safety of borders must be tackled with realism, not with the rhetoric of inclusion and welcome. In a safety key, the restoration of the death penalty is also explained; It may be liked or not, but this is already a law in many American states, it is part of their DNA.
5) freeing social media, internet and printing from the grids of the censorship, declaring war on Wake’s ideology, It is a precise commitment that Trump has made with the American people, widely tired of the politically correct, the Cancel Culture and the prohibitions that limit freedom of opinion. The fact that Zuckerberg and the other web tycoons have promptly adapted to the new course is seen as a sign of regime; But don’t you have the doubt that having previously adapted to the dem address and having imposed censorships and vigilances was a sign of regime? The difference is that in this case the prohibitions are removed while then they were imposed.
6) reiterating that the sexes are two, male and female, Trump returns to the reality ever, He says a real and obvious thing, but that he was questioned by the LGBTQ+ ideology and Transgender. It is one thing to assure everyone the right to live by following their sexual guidelines and choices, provided that they are not to the detriment of others; Another is to question the certain and the evident, the history of humanity from the origins and cancel nature, procreation, differences. The courage of the obviousness.
7) Trump, they say, declares war on Europe, would like to use Giorgia Meloni to break it out. More breakdown than Europe is not possible. The war in Ukraine has put us on their knees, we returned to the towing of NATO and the United States, we have fragile leadership, governments in the balance, without popular legitimacy. We are unable to assert our weight; And now we attribute to the newly elected Trump the fault of boycotting Europe. Away, don’t be ridiculous.