
The day of Remembrance 2025

Noemi di Segni, President Union of Italian Jewish Communities Ucei

The thought goes to the survivors of the extermination camps that are still alive – Segre, Bruck, Modian, Le Bucci, La Bauer, Salmon who are closest to us. They who have experienced the exclusion from every area of ​​everyday life since the first years of life, then the persecution, who are witnesses of the extermination, how do they live what is happening today? They are living in recent years (we naturally wish it as much as possible up to 120 how do you use in our communities) something reminiscent of those exclusions? That hatred? Only they can respond in an authoritative way, we can think about what we perceive today compared with what we have studied and listened to them over the years. Years of sharing but also years of silence.

What does this fear materialize in? In the appeals to the massacre, in boycotting culture, science, sport, trade labeled as of Israeli origin, but even if the word “Jewish” appears. In the physical threat for those who dress or bring recognizable signs of Jewish religion and in the verbal violence that spreads with all kinds of threats and auspices to return to the crematorial ovens. Why is it more serious? Because the justification for all this would be the behavior of Israel and the rights of the Palestinian people. The people who suffered is now the executioner. The Nazi is Israel, as a state and as a nation. The genocide is committed today by those who have suffered it. Gaza has always (always) an open -air lager. This is what we hear above all by those who have never listened to a testimony and never visited the extermination camp of Auschwitz and other dozens of fields and subfilies.

The quotes of poems and pages more well -known by those who have survived are used as titles to accuse the Jewish people exactly of the same crimes to which the warning had been reported. This is cruelty.

So our survivors are massacred once again. Not from oblivion and ignorance but from a pure hatred campaign. It doesn’t matter what the complexity of the Palestinian situation and geopolitical relations in the Middle Eastern region is really. The important thing is to praise through a slogan and repeat falsity who become truth. And the scheme of mass communication that leverages the most basic feelings always works and acts as a comfortable sounding case. A heavy liability of the media in reiterating data and repeatedly using shots that focus only one pixel of an entire picture.

Likewise, and no less serious is the nostalgia for the symbols of fascism and Nazism, hoping that he resumes that world order dictated by the totalitarianism of which the destructive scope has been forgotten. Not only towards Jews but for Europe all and world war. Between threats outside theEurope Of those who try to penetrate it using precisely those very strong protections of the freedoms that were stated and regained after the war, and internal threats that regenerate totalitarian nostalgia and anti -Jewish prejudices we are lost.

And then one wonders after 80 years from the liberations or the end of the war what we have really consolidated and understood and what are the paths that generate hope. Not everything goes in the direction of evil. There are also points of light and attentive and consistent commitment to which to make our appreciation. Not because attentions and caress are given to us but because they are people and institutions who welcome and launch to others the invitation to reflect on Italian responsibilities. The warning and commitment to remember the name of each of the six million exterminated in the fields is part of a culture that puts the person and his life at the center of every action and every choice. This culture of life is what every day, drawing on Jewish values, we try to live and reiterate as a response to culture that through religion justifies death.

The 27th will pass after 24 hours which will certainly be intense. This is the moment of the choice of consistency that is accomplished towards the whole year and next decades. If you agree with the trivialization of the danger or supervise through consistency and attention to those who with immense sacrifice, pain and effort have tried in these years to share their testimony.

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