
In Italy there is a boom in online universities

Developed since 2003, online universities have had good success, especially among those who need a university degree and work. Marco Bassani, professor of history of political doctrines at the Pegaso telematic University and Carlo Lottieri associate professor of philosophy of law at the Department of Legal Sciences of Verona, started from this premise, who organized the conference «Traditional and telematic universities. Because a war makes no sense”, currently underway in the Chamber.

During the Covid years – it was said during the conference – there was a +410 percent increase in registrations to telematics “and this should make us think.” «Italy has a very low number of graduates, it is second to last in the EU, ahead only of Romania and telematics broadens the audience of both those under 25 and student workers. In a world that is changing rapidly, we need to move towards liberalization that allows everyone to give their best”, stated the two teachers. According to whom «the conflict between online and traditional universities is paradoxical after that for at least two academic years, due to the pandemic, traditional universities were also forced to adopt technologies for distance teaching. They were therefore able to measure the differences compared to their methodologies: they were able to understand the limits but also the great potential”

«It makes no sense to talk about a war between online and traditional universities, online universities can represent an opportunity but they must receive Anvur accreditation»: this was said by the former Minister of Education Valeria Fedeli during the conference 'Traditional and telematic universities. Why a war makes no sense', currently underway in the Chamber. «Talking about university education means talking about the country: we need a review, I'm not talking about reforms but about updating the systems, taking into account the changes that have already occurred. The objective is to place Italy within an economy and a knowledge supply chain. There is no war but the system of technological innovation has brought a space-time advantage and a theme of updating teaching, with the use of new technologies”, concluded Fedeli.